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Molly Scotland

Research Nurse – Hope Trials Facility, Leicester Royal Infirmary from 2017 to present. Chemotherapy Nurse – Chemotherapy Suite, Leicester Royal Infirmary 2013- 2017 Staff Nurse – Renal Transplant Unit, Leicester General Hospital 2013

Lawrence Dawkins Hall

I am an award winning technician with 35 years experience of molecular and cell biology, conducted through out the UK, EU and the USA. During that time I have participated in autonomous research, including partcipation in the draught genome assembly in New York, circa 2000; teaching and instructing undergraduate and post graduate students in molecular and cell biology and protein biochemistry; and provision of core technical suport in numerous laboratories, including lab managment. I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB) and both a Chartered Biologist and Chartered Scientist. I have approximately 50 publications in peer reviewed Journals, conference abstracts and text books, pertaining to multiple medical sciences displines, with about 1000 citations thereof. At the moment, I offer core techncial support to Professor Fennels laboratories and associated Scientific staff

Dr. Maurice Dungey

Maurice is a Medical Oncology Specialty Trainee at the University Hospitals of Leicester and an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow with the University of Leicester. Prior to studying medicine, he gained research experience when he completed a PhD in exercise physiology and inflammation in patients living with kidney failure. His main interests are in testing novel anti-cancer therapies in clinical trials and he is developing his skills as a clinical academic in the Oncology department.

Dr. Amrita Bajaj

Amrita Bajaj is a Dr and a Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologist with special interest in mesothelioma and lung cancer.  She is also a site Reviewer for Clinical Trials at University Hospitals of Leicester and an interventionalist in performing image guided biopsies at diagnosis and progression in research trials.

Jan Rogel

After finish undergraduate studies, I have developed interest in bioinformatics and molecular biology. I graduated from my MSc in Bioinformatics at University of Leicester and got accepted as a research fellow, allowing me to continue to follow my interests in machine learning, explainable AI and cancer genomics.

Daniel Faulkner

Currently working towards a cancer research PhD within the Mesothelioma research group. Previous experience includes a Masters degree in Genetics and Bioinformatics, a Bachelors degree in Biological Sciences and 10 years experience working in IT. Previous research has included using genetic analyses to measure the health of local bumblebee populations and writing code to assist in the detection of LINE1 chimeric transcripts.

Dr Maymun Jama

Dr Maymun Jama earned both her PhD (Genetics & Cancer Research) and MSc (Cancer Cell & Molecular Biology) at the University of Leicester. Currently working as a Post-doctoral fellow at Fennells Lab investigating genome guided therapy for MPMs.

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